Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Savannah's big girl room

This past weekend, Mick's wonderful parents took Savannah and Noah to spend the weekend with them in Cape Girardeau.

Mick and I got a chance to relax and have some "couple" time, which was wonderful. However, the main reason why they were there was so that we could finally get around to painting the kids rooms (we've only lived here for 7 months, I know...)

All of the design decisions were based on the amazingly colorful duvet cover that I found at Pottery Barn Teen a while back. That, and the fact that I really wanted Savannah to have my wrought iron bed, which was my first big girl bed as well!

Therefore, here is the finished product. We are still missing a few things (wall hangings above the bed, curtains, etc.), but overall I'm really happy with the way that things are coming together!

One half of the room- I LOOOVE this bed!

The rails aren't very pretty, but they are definitely necessary at her age!

The pin board was white, but I painted it with the hot pink paint and I love it! The mirror will get hung in the room somewhere.

These are Ikea spice racks that I painted pink- I love them for book ledges!

The sweet side tables are from Target and I love them. The alarm clock is designed to turn green at the time when it's okay to get out of bed in the morning. So far, she seems to be getting the concept, though she keeps unplugging it, so I've become and expert at setting the clock!
It's been an interesting transition for her to a real bed. She was in a crib until right after her 3rd birthday, when she finally figured out that she could climb out of bed. Since then, bedtime has been a battle to say the least. Here's hoping that having a room this pretty will make her want to go to bed easily and be the good sleeper that I always bragged to everyone about!

Unfortunately, this makeover did have a sudden an unexpected turn. Let's just say that the 20 year old white carpet will never be the same again. But more to come on that in another post!

With much Metzger love,


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sweet Savannah turns 3!

It is so hard to believe that last Friday, we celebrated our baby turning 3. I'm always in awe of how much children change from month to month, when as adults, I feel like I stay pretty much the same. But looking at pictures from even three and six months ago, she looks like a whole new person!

Savannah is a sweet, spunky three year old with personality for days. Sometimes this is a blessing, and sometimes, the greatest challenge of my day. :-) She is headstrong and always wants things done her way, on her schedule, and with her as the star of the show. As the oldest child, I can't imagine where my oldest child gets all of these traits...

She loves to eat (most days), loves her little brother (most days), has a great time at school and the daycare at the gym (most days), and above all, she loves Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and the rest of the Clubhouse gang with ever fiber of her being (all days, nights, weekends, holidays, etc.)

For her birthday, Mick and I decided to take her ice skating. Though she didn't really get the hang of it, she did have a great time watching Mick and I skate around her, and sitting on a chair on the ice. She was brave enough to try it a few times, which I was really proud of her for.

She also got moved into a big girl bed (her crib with the front taken off), and this weekend, Mick and I plan to redo her room and give her a real big girl bed. I am really excited about that as I think she is really going to like it.

We went to the doctor today. She weighs 31.2 lbs and is 37 inches tall. She's still a peanut, but growing how she should and meeting all of her milestones, which I'm so grateful for.

She has had a little trouble going to bed lately, so I've been trying several tactics. I'm going to see which ones work and then I'll report back so I can remember them for when Noah turns three. Eek!

Here are some pictures from her birthday. We will have a party with her friends the first weekend in February, but we were able to celebrate with family on Saturday, and she enjoyed the presents, but most of all, the family and of course, the cake.
I love this picture. It shows how much they really love each other (even if they don't always act like it!)

In her big girl bed. She wasn't very happy about it...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Here we go again!

NOTE: At the time I am writing this, I am 7 wks, 1 day pregnant according to Baby Center. I'll go for my first OB visit in a few weeks, so that due date may be adjusted after that. But I wanted to record these things in the time they were happening!

Mick and I always talked about wanting our kids to be close together. We loved the idea of having them close together so they could play together, be friends, and enjoy the same things around the same times.

We have had it really easy with Savannah. Yes, she's a 16 month old, which means that she definitely has her times where she is demanding, clingy, and even a little sassy (can't imagine where she would get that from). But for the most part, she's been an easy baby. She is a good sleeper, a great eater, and despite her slight gross motor delays, she's met or exceeded all of her milestones. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful baby!

Mick and I decided that we would let go and see what happened. Well, as with Savannah, once we let go, we REALLY let go! We are so blessed that getting pregnant has not been a challenge for us. So many of my friends have faced this challenge, and my heart goes out to them because I can't imagine what a stress that has to be on your mental and physical well-being.

Pretty much as soon as I could, I took a pregnancy test. Though it was very faint, the line was there. Of course, as most women do, why stop at one test when you can take 4? Over the next few days, I took several more, which all confirmed what the initial test had said- PREGNANT! I told Mick by wrapping up the test and putting it in the bed with Savannah so that when he went in to pick her up in the morning, there it was. In typical male fashion, he ignored the gold box in the bed with the baby completely?!?! I had to tell him to open it. When he did, he stared at it for a while, looked at me, and said, "Is this a thermometer? Why did you wrap up a thermometer?" And I stared at him in disbelief. Once he actually looked at it, it became more clear, and then he was excited.

So, here we go again! According to Baby Center, this baby is due on January 14, 2014- almost 2 years to the day younger than Savannah. I mean, why stop at one January baby when you can have two?

So far, this pregnancy has been different than Savannah. About a week ago, right around 6 1/2 weeks, I started feeling nauseous all day long. It is worst in the late morning and gets better by the evening. But it's still rather unpleasant. Today was the first day I've actually thrown up- good times.

We are looking forward to seeing the doctor and that first ultrasound. What a whirlwind the next few months will be, but what blessings we have to be thankful for. Thanks for reading and keeping up with our journey to a family of four!

Here's our future big sister telling some important news to our parents. What a sweet big sis she will be!

Happy New Year- Welcome 2015!

Happy New Year! We had such a great 2014- we welcomed Baby Noah to our family, moved to our new house, and spent a lot of time with family and friends!

Today, I'm sitting in disbelief that on this day last year, I was sitting at our old house, hugely pregnant, preparing to go to the hospital on January 7 to give birth to (what we didn't know at the time) a 9 lb, 5 oz baby boy! I was feeling so many things, but as I look back, I'm just so grateful for the blessing that Noah has been to our family.

At one year, Noah is the happiest, most laid back baby I've ever met. He's constantly smiling, LOVES to eat everything in sight, and follows Savannah around all the time. He doesn't seem to love any toy more than another, though he spends a lot of time in the ball pit. He has been crawling since 6 months, pulling up and cruising since 9 months, and for about the past week, he's been letting go of things and taking several steps at a time. He loves climbing the stairs, and generally getting into everything he shouldn't.

And of course, I can't forget that three years ago on Friday, I became a mommy when we welcomed Savannah to our family. She has challenged and enriched our family so much. But I'll talk about her tomorrow!

Here are a few pictures of my sweet Noah. Happy early birthday, Mr. Bud (Super Bud, Monkey Man, Bud Monkey, and of course Baby Noah).

UPDATE: After Noah's 1 year doctor appointment, he weighs 21 lbs (49th percentile) and was 29.1" (19th percentile). My dear, sweet, short and fat little dude!